About us

Welcome to Bakresh, a clothing brand that believes in the power of upcycling and repurposing to create high-quality yoga and lifestyle garments. At Bakresh, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste and creating sustainable fashion that doesn’t sacrifice quality or style. We are also focused on natural plant and seed wellness, which inspired us to create a line of clothing that incorporates these elements into our designs.

Bakresh was founded by Julianne Baker, an English woman who has been living in Marrakech for more than a decade. Julianne has always been passionate about fashion and sustainability, and she saw an opportunity to combine these two interests to create something unique and meaningful. She was inspired by the natural beauty and rich culture of Morocco, which became the perfect backdrop for her vision.

Julianne believes in the power of upcycling and repurposing to reduce waste and create sustainable fashion. She saw an opportunity to create a brand that embodies these values and Bakresh was born. She also had a strong passion for natural plant and seed wellness, which she wanted to incorporate into her clothing designs.

The Marrakech area is well known for its natural plant and seed wellness culture. Julianne took inspiration from this and worked with local artisans to incorporate elements of plant and seed wellness into her designs. She believed that by creating clothing that not only looked good but also felt good, she could help people connect with nature and improve their overall well-being.

At Bakresh, we’re dedicated to making clothing that not only looks good but also feels good. Our garments are designed with comfort and style in mind, and we use only high-quality upcycled and repurposed materials. We work with small local businesses and artisans to source the materials and collaborate on designs. We’re proud to support these communities and keep the production process local.

Our focus on natural plant and seed wellness is a unique aspect of our brand. We incorporate elements of plants and seeds into our designs to create garments that are not only sustainable but also have wellness benefits. For example, our garments may feature natural fibers such as hemp, cotton, and linen, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. We also use natural dyes made from plants and seeds, which have been used for centuries in traditional Moroccan medicine for their healing properties.

We’re committed to sustainability in every aspect of our business. From using eco-friendly packaging materials to reducing our carbon footprint, we’re dedicated to minimizing our impact on the environment. We believe that every little bit counts and we’re constantly looking for ways to improve our practices.

At Bakresh, we’re more than just a clothing brand. We’re a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for sustainability, natural plant and seed wellness, and mindfulness. We believe in creating a better world by living in harmony with nature and each other. We’re committed to spreading this message through our clothing and our actions.

We believe that sustainability and fashion can coexist, and we’re here to prove it. We’re proud to offer high-quality upcycled and repurposed garments that incorporate natural plant and seed wellness at an affordable price. We believe that everyone deserves access to sustainable fashion, regardless of their budget.

As a brand, we’re inspired by the rich culture and natural beauty of Morocco. Marrakech, in particular, is a city that’s steeped in history and tradition. It’s a place where old and new coexist in perfect harmony. We take inspiration from this and incorporate elements of Moroccan culture into our designs. For example, our garments may feature intricate embroidery or traditional patterns that are unique to the region.

We’re dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and our community. We partner with organizations that share our values and donate a portion of our profits to support local inclusive and sustainable development.